We define a healthy, high performing and thriving workplace as ...
Thriving workplaces are mentally and physically healthy workplaces where people can be at their best.
Thriving workplaces have robust plans across 5 domains to ensure continual improvement.
Human Development Group’s model of 5 domains for continual improvement in any size organisation.
Organisation Environment
Formal and informal systems to support individual Health and Wellbeing.
Promote physical movement, mindfulness, relaxation
Educate about good hygiene, nutrition and sleep
Encourage worklife balance
Develop and display a Health & Wellbeing policy
About us
Human Development Group is a collaboration between Ash Hope and Geoff Smith. Born out of the desire to support individuals in their personal growth beyond KPI’s and corporate agendas. We build on the potential of each individual, incorporating a combination of techniques and scientifically validated methods that we have found to be most successful for lasting results.
Who do we work with?
- organisations who are looking to create a thriving workplace
- small and medium size organisations who like to fine tune their existing staff health and wellbeing initiatives
- managers or leaders with a desire to make a difference in their workplace but don’t know how and where to start